I’ve been fortunate enough in my life to have had many experiences travelling across Europe, America, and Oceania. To look back now and count all the issues I’ve run into along the way can be a bit daunting.
While travelling Europe, I left my insulin onboard a cruise ship, In Jervis bay I accidently froze my insulin in a small fridge that had a freezer compartment. Most recently, in Canada while snowboarding my insulin pump broke (which has happened before!)
At one point, I thought It was just a part of travelling and that I should assume there would always be an issue, not a bad habit to get into I guess…
Now I face a new challenge. Previously, I had always been accompained by an adult in my adventures and at the end of June 2023, myself and partner India will be heading off to Japan for our first international travel experience together (without parents).
This will be a opportunity to discover a new country while taking full control of my diabetes, and I’m excited to see how it goes. I’ll keep you posted!
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Great blog about travel! Excited to hear more :)
May 31, 2023
interesting topics and projects on you site Seb! Look forward to seeing this site grow. All the best for Japan
Jun 21, 2023